Teradata Viewpoint Hardcoded Password Vulnerability
- CVE ID: CVE-2019-6499
- CWE ID: CWE-259
Affected products:
Teradata Viewpoint versions prior to 14.0, but Teradata Viewpoint was found to have that user’s account valid too.
Teradata Viewpoint contains database account with hardcoded password that could potentially be exploited by malicious users to compromise the affected system.
Teradata Viewpoint contains hardcoded passwords for database account. Affected database account is “viewpoint”.
viewpoint.db.username=viewpoint viewpoint.db.password=TDv1i2e3w4
An attacker with local or remote access to the database and knowledge of the password may potentially gain unauthorized access to the database.
Affected file: C:\tdpdk-xx.xx.xx.xx\viewpoint-portal\conf\server.xml
From the vendor website:
Restrict network access
As a general security practice, only allow connections from trusted hosts and networks. Restricting access would prevent an attacker from using the hard-coded database credentials from a blocked network location.
Installing the Viewpoint Development Portal 13.0.1
- http://downloads.teradata.com/viewpoint/reference/getting-started-with-viewpoint-pdk/installing-the-viewpoint-development-portal-1
Installing the Viewpoint Development Portal 13.0.1
- https://community.teradata.com/t5/Viewpoint/Installing-the-Viewpoint-Development-Portal-13-0-1/m-p/16434
CWE-259: Use of Hard-coded Password
- https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/259.html